Monday, July 21, 2008

Don't Wait 'Till Its Too Late

I'm listening to one of my favourite tracks by Alicia Keys - Tell You Something. This song reminds me of all the times we spend as people wasting energy, love and time on things that don't matter. And how truly for granted we take the blessing of being able to be loved and love someone. Have you ever been in a situation where you waited till it was too late? You waited till it was too late to tell someone that you care about them; how you really feel instead of fronting; you shrunk in the face of fear instead of loving boldly and fearlessly without focusing on how long that would last.

'Just a simple Conversation. Just a moment is all it takes. I want to be there just to listen. And I don't want to hesitate...' Alicia Keys

There are things in my life I don't know. I don't know how long I'm going to be here for. I don't know how long I'm going to be in your life for but I know that in this moment that God has given us, I am blessed. I've made it my adage to do everything 'like its' the last time' - I don't know if it's God hinting at my life's span or just making me appreciate this moment right here. It doesn't matter. I want to live and love to the fullest; with an open heart and hungry mind and an observant soul. This is just a short one to say: Take the time to right the wrong; say that all you have to say...don't wait until the storm or something is wrong and you can't find the one you love.'


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.