Sunday, June 29, 2008

Conversation Starter

If there's one thing that works in women's lives, it's talking. We love to talk about everything, even talking about talking (how many times have you said to your man or estranged friend: 'we don't talk anymore?') In my own life, talking has literally saved my life as much as it has gotten me into a lot of trouble at times. I'm one of those people for whom the gift of the gab is a life force. If I'm not talking, I'm dying. People closest to me know that if I'm quiet, then there's something terribly wrong. People I know, have come to know and don't know come up to me and talk to me. Unnannounced, some unknown and never met, they just feel comfortable enough to tell me things they wouldn't normally say to other people - things they'd be too afraid to say in their own lives.

In return, I love using their life stories as wisdom nuggets to other people that I meet and in my own life. It's amazing just how much knowledge and answers are out there, if we're willing to listen. I guess that's the point of why I've started this blog, really. To publish stories and conversations I have that change my life, impact, inspire me or touch me in any way. I hope you'll enjoy it, subscribe to it, check it out every once in a while and most importantly share you own stories too.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love being a part of this.